Eventic: Creative corporate events tailored to boost your business
Text: Lauren Walker | Photos: Eventic and Denis Multu
When done right, hosting a corporate event can give a big boost and great marketing opportunity for businesses, whether the occasion is to celebrate employees or to host trusted or new clients. For Inge de Jong, from Dutch event planning firm Eventic, this belief is central to her work, as she skilfully tailors events to meet her clients’ needs, ensuring every event is unique.
With a goal to add more spice to the corporate event industry, Eventic looks to incorporate creativity at all levels. It keeps up to date with the latest trends in terms of concepts, decoration and venues, whilst remaining aware of sustainability. Eventic expertly assists international businesses hosting events in the Netherlands and firms looking to organise events abroad. Although Eventic was launched a year and a half ago, there are already plans to open other branches across Europe to further cater to international business.
Eventic is run in a modular structure where it works alongside a strong and reliable network of specialised caterers, decorators and venues globally, and by choosing the right professionals for the right event, the firm offers a unique, hassle-free experience. From organising a high-level entertainment night including acrobats in an ancient church in Amsterdam for customers from ten different nationalities, to hosting a Polish SEAT branch’s two-day conference near an astounding lake in the Netherlands’ Groningen, every event is unforgettable.
Commenting on what she hopes businesses will get from Eventic’s services, Inge says: “Events are a great way to market your business and the importance of direct client communication is something which cannot be underestimated. If businesses organise these events smartly, it can make a big difference, and that’s where we come in!”
To find out more or to book a free consultation with Eventic, visit eventic.nl
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