The fact that you are perusing this article right now demonstrates that you know how to read. But do you read efficiently? On its online platform, Leesprofs teaches you the right techniques to bolster your reading skills in just one month.

“The way we learn to read in primary school is good, but not optimal for handling large amounts of text,” says Marcel Luijendijk. Together with Tom van Rijk, he founded the online reading school Leesprofs. On their platform, they teach youngsters from 14 years plus, a myriad of methods to improve their reading capabilities drastically in just one month. “Throughout the programme, the student receives a selection of small exercises. It takes about ten to 12 hours to complete them all, yet, our students decide themselves when they choose to make them. Every time they finish an exercise, one of our teachers corrects it and provides feedback.” After completing the training, Leesprofs will send follow-up emails with small exercises and extra tips. These will trigger you to apply your freshly-gained techniques in daily life.

“What sets Leesprofs apart from other institutions is the scientific substantiation behind the methods we use. They were developed by the Australian air force in 1969 and have been kept up-to-date ever since. Every time new knowledge about reading surfaces, we adjust our methods to those new insights.” Today, these techniques are taught in no less than 36 countries. And for good reason: studies show that once you master them, your reading abilities will remain improved for the rest of your life.

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